Japan AC Outsourcing Co., Ltd. SAKUMA CPA OFFICE

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Japan AC Outsourcing Co., Ltd. SAKUMA CPA OFFICE

Japan AC Outsourcing Co., Ltd. SAKUMA CPA OFFICE

We specialize in providing professional Accounting &Bookeeping and Tax services in Japan.

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Pension-International Social Security Agreement

The social security agreement is an agreement for bilateral adjustments of insurance systems to be participated in for the purpose of avoidance of a double burden of insurance premiums (avoidance of double participation). Under the agreement, in order to avoid a failure to receive benefits from insurance premiums already paid, the period of participation in the Japanese pension system will be treated as a period deemed to be a period of participation in the pension system of a country with which Japan has executed such agreement, and the pension of that country can be received. As of March 2012, the status of entry into force of the social security agreements is as follows. Japan has executed social security agreements with 14 countries, and the “Avoidance of Double Burden of Insurance Premiums” and the “Total of Periods of Participation in Pension Systems” only take effect between Japan and any such country. In order to continue participating only in the social security system of the agreement partner country, and to be exempted from the application of the Japanese social security system, all of the following requirements must be met.

1. Participation in the social security system of the agreement partner country

2. Continuation of the employment relationship with the business entity in the agreement partner country even during the period of dispatch*

3. Cases where the period of dispatch is expected to be not more than five years

Japanese tax
AC Outsourcing Contact

E-mail: mailto:info@acojapan.com
Tel: 813-3406-7030
Fax: 813-3406-7074

Japan AC Outsourcing Co., Ltd. Sakuma CPA Office
Aoyamaα Bldg 5F, 10-14, Shibuya 2chome Shibuya-ku Tokyo Japan

AC Outsourcing Menu


Japanese Corporate Tax

Stated Capital -calculation factor under Japanese taxNEW

Group Corporation TaxationNEW

Stated Capital of Foreign Corporation -calculation factor under Japanese TaxNEW

Application to Japanese Branch of Foreign Corporation of Local Tax and Tax Based on Business SizeNEW

Japanese Consumption Tax
Japanese withholding income tax

Japanese Income Tax Applicable to Foreign National Working in JapanNEW

Year-End AdjustmentsNEW

Application of Japanese withholding tax exemption
Japanese Social insurance

・Pension-International Social Security AgreementNEW

Treatment of Spouse and Children Accompanied by Foreign National Dispatched to JapanNEW

Procedure for Application for Exemption on the Japanese pension systemNEW

Japanese labor insuranceNEW
Company Establishiment and Incorporation Procedures in Japan

Procedures for Incorporation of K.K.NEW

Basic matters determined for Incorporation of K.K.NEW

Organs of K.K in JapanNEW

Procedures for Incorporation of Japanese Branch of Foreign CorporationNEW

Basic Matters determined for Incorporation of Japanese BranchNEW

Notification of IncorporationNEW

Dissolution and Liquidation of Company in JapanNEW

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