Procedure for Application for Exemption on the Japanese pension system
In principle, when an “Application Certificate” is issued by the insurer, etc., (the social insurance office in the case of Japan) of the pension system, etc., in the country from which he/she is dispatched, and submitted to his/her employer, entrepreneur, etc., in the country to which he/she is dispatched, then procedures for participation in the pension system of the country to which he/she is dispatched are unnecessary.
Total of Periods of Participation in Pension Systems
At the time of counting the participation period required to receive a pension, the total of the periods of participation in the pension systems of the home country and a foreign country will be used. Moreover, the amount of pension to be received will be in proportion to the participation periods in the two countries. However, such measures for the use of the total of the participation periods are not included in the agreements with the United Kingdom and with South Korea.